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Tribes and Natures Defenders Inc. had implemented the following programs towards preserving the sacred, protecting the mother earth and honoring the ancient wisdom towards natures and cultures survival


Rainforest Conservation


Wildlife Protection

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 Restoration and Agroforestry

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Community Healthcare


Early Education 


Food Security

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Indigenous Peoples College Scholarship

Indigenous Peoples are facing one of the challenges like college education. Tribal members can only afford to send their children to primary and secondary school.

After the graduation, the students want to pursue their college education but the problem is the support of the college education. The tribal members are known to be uneducated since their parents are living below poverty line and can not afford to send their students to college. In studying college is very difficult for the indigenous peoples since they need funds for food, house rental, transportations, book allowance and tuition fees and projects. Those are the big problems of the tribal communities that they remained uneducated that will bring to abuse of rights and discrimination.

For this, the Tribes and Natures Defenders strives to find sponsors to donate and sponsor every college student who are willing to go to college. College education is their shield to protect their identity and communities from the capitalists and developers. They can fight in a right way using their education for cultural survival.

For this, we are reaching out for your support to send the tribal students to college through scholarship project. Please sponsor our students: Please choose the sponsorship options below. Donate Now

1 year=  1000usd

2 years= 2000usd

3 years=3000usd

4 years=4000usd

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